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THEMA: Which Ministry of Truth?

Which Ministry of Truth? 2 Jahre 2 Wochen her #552

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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Indeed, there are now 2. One is described in Orwell's 1984, the other was just established by Biden in the USA. That is, the Department of Homeland Security announced the formation of the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). Both have frightening aspects. Any reader of the book must feel at least unsettled that a government can even consider to introduce something like it, claiming it being necessary tor security reasons. It sure is not surprising, but eye opening it is all the same, having the same goals, the same claims and the same ideology for absolute mind control, over everybody, except the few who wield the power at the very top. The scorn for the public is palpable. But the "elite's" intellect is not as special as they see themselves, because copying fiction, as brilliant and visionary as in "1984", is not a sign of intelligence. Using it as a manual, these twisted characters show rather stunted brain development and, having more money than their brains and character can handle, makes it worse. Since they have no foresight, no compassion, nor love to give their talent to make money means little overall, because nothing can grow without the proper care and whatever vision they consider as a feasable path into the future, is delusional. Whatever goals they persue and think they can achieve is very different to what they actually will get, but that for sure is not my concern. What they do but is, because the pain and suffering they cause is so immense that nobody of a sound mind can comprehend it any other way than being the manifestation of evil. Is there an escape? Read 1984, then you know, death is not the worst. Though the book's verdion is only one outcome and, as probable as it is, the future is not set in stone and humans are resilient, It means however that standing up now for freedom and democracy, where no Ministry of Truth is needed, is a must. And remember, there is nothing to lose, it is a winning street to be on, for this life, your life, or another.
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