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THEMA: Is trust important?

Is trust important? 2 Jahre 2 Monate her #544

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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Well, life without trust is not a happy life. Trust is essential for solid human relationships, but you can do without it. In fact, the only person whom you need to trust, is you. If you cannot trust yourself you are truly lost. Why? Because to trust in others is always a risk. Life itself is a risk no matter what. There are too many uncertainties and always a chance you get hurt, be it the weather that may suddenly turn without warning, be it the social and political environment that suddenly makes you an outcast because you are not fitting into their agendas, or, it may be your family, or your partner, who betray you, because they have their own problems and blame you for it. So! Trust is a fickle thing and it is stupid not to be aware of the pitfalls, believing anything without a proper reality check. Still, even that cannot prevent you from getting betrayed, hurt or just thrown into disaster. But it helps at least a little bit to be cautious instead of being just foolishly trusting into others because it appears to be safe. However, you must be able to take risks, if you wish to lead a happy life, meaning, it is up to you to assess in whom or in what you can reasonably trust. And that is the point. You must be able to trust yourself. Sadly it seems, not many people have been taught or even been given the opportunity to achieve basic trust skills, and what a miserable world it has become and what abhorrent life we have to contend ourselves with because of it. People who cannot trust themselves always need others to make deciisions for them and they obey and follow blindly even if they are mislead, abused and blatantly maimed. For example, climate change, pandemics, wars! If you believe what the media, the politicians, the scientists tell you to believe and you do believe them without researching yourself and draw your own conclusions, you are fair game for abusers and evil spirited people, who could not care less about you. What a joke to say there is no climate change, when the weather patterns obiously are changing. It does not even matter what the causes are, tilting of the Earth's axis, human causes, cyclic weather patterns, the fact remains, the climate is changing and it is up to humans to either correct what they can or adjust to what is. Or take the outbreaks of diseases and the managment of them, which in recent times has been more than just wrong and questionable. Or look at reasons of war, the propaganda, the goals and justifications of it! Nothing is reasonable about it and only the war mongerers gain by sending obedient folks to the fronts. Of course, there are cases where you have to defend your home, your country, your life, but most wars are not for defence but for gains and let us face it, wars are great money spinners, who cares about lifes lost. The war mongerers sure don't care, but they get very rich. What is the solution? Well, for many it is too late to get their trust issues sorted, but for children it is not. Teach them, show them, raise them the way they can learn how to become adults who can trust in themselves, know their strengths and accept their different talents and skills to make them the most productive, creative and healthiest adults they can be and the world will be a better place for it. Ensure they know, not taking risks is not living, but overcoming doubts in their abilities will help them to lead a meaningful life against all odds. .
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