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THEMA: Season Greetings!

Season Greetings! 2 Jahre 4 Monate her #536

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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To all Sozieternas and the lovely readers that visit my site, I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy 2022. May Santa bring you what you wish most for and may the new year be better than the one passing. It looks more promising anyway, with so many more people waking up to the monsters that took over the helm of free countries, bringing down democracy and force people into misery and submission. Though worse may still come, I do not wish to spread gloom and doom at the end of the year, because the signs of change are very obvious and evil never wins. So let us rejoice together and celebrate the good and walk proud into the future, knowing ourselves so much better than ever before. It truly is on us to sweep out the chambers and bring in the light so there is no corner left, where the mean spirits can hide. Let them have their short lived glory for now, but as they are gorging themselves at the full tables, we sit together around campfires, look into the starry heaven and hug each other with new courage, because we are many and we can share what we got with joy and trust that our work will be for us and our children and a free world that we honor and nuture, because it is our home.and there for all of us. Merry Christmas
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