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THEMA: Change

Change 2 Jahre 8 Monate her #524

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Let us face it, change is an ongoing thing. Even one minute to the next is not the same, but it gets harder when more serious change is required. To change yourself is the hardest. To change the world is a slow process. Of course, you can speed it up, all of it, force change, revolution facilitates that. I prefer evolution. Yes it is rather slow, but it will always be more successful and lasting than revolution can facilitate. Now we have the so called "Reset" or the New World Order forced upon us. Honestly, seriously? Who believes it is a good thing when it is done with deceit, corruption, monetary gains, power and control over all and everything? Who can endure the duress we are put under? If you do not honor life, all life that is, if you do not have compassion and love for all that is, if you only seek to control and dictate, sacrifice lives to achieve your goals, you are definitely not one whom I would want to follow. I am for change, but I want a better life for all. You on the other hand, who want the best life for yourself and don't care for anything or anyone else, your are despicable, why would I want to follow you into a new world order? In fact, I want to clean the earth from scum like you. Naturally, I do not act upon my outrage and disgust, not because I love you and wish you the best, but because I know, you have to pay up somewhen and I already see in your faces the fear that this time is actually not that far away.
Yes, I am for change, mostly the change that comes from within. Change yourself and you can change the world! If it is too late for this one, that is indeed sad, but actually it may be necessary. Mind you, I will always stand up against bullies, now, here or there and wherever, and hopefully it does something good for a new world (not the one the criminals propagate!). I fear but for the health of our planet, because that is the one that could give another world a better chance to live in a paradise.
Yes, I am for change, I am for progress to the benefit of all living things. I definitely would like to see where evolution can take us, but I definitely would not want to go ahead with crazed minds who think they ought to rule the world to their pleasure alone. Money, power, intelligence mean nothing, at least, therein is no happiness that I and all of us seek. That kind of happiness I find in nature, with animals and communities that are full of song.
Yes I am for change, but not the one cretins force on me. Never! They can get lost in their own miserable minds, because the change they want is only a step into hell itself, never ever into paradise.
Letzte Änderung: 2 Jahre 23 Stunden her von femina.
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