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THEMA: "Mumbo Jumbo" the new hit song to dance to

"Mumbo Jumbo" the new hit song to dance to 2 Jahre 10 Monate her #510

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
  • Dank erhalten: -1
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Its the new tango, its mumbo jumbo,
for you alone, staying at home.
Lock up, shut out, don't open the door,
so you are safe and free of worry.
Mumbo jumbo, dance the tango,
draw the curtain, isolate,
don't hug, kiss or cuddle,
if you want to stay safe.
Mumbo jumbo, dance the tango,
turn up the radio, switch on the TV,
Scotti, Mark, Andi and their Experties
are there to teach you how to dance.
Mumbo jumbo, its their tango,
Don't go out, shop on line,
don't use card, don't use coin,
wear a mask at all times.
Mumbo jumbo, dance the tango
the air is your enemy and so is all,
full of germs and waiting to attack you.
Stay home, stay safe, keep dancing.
Mumbo jumbo, tango, tango,
your home is now your world.
That some can enjoy the world outside,
empty of pesky worms, germs and, you
never mind, they say they saved your life.
Mumbo jumbo, dance the tango,
but now it's another tune.
Get the jab, pay the bills.
A safe live is costly and who should pay,
but you.
Letzte Änderung: 2 Jahre 10 Monate her von femina.
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