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THEMA: Good boy, good girl!

Good boy, good girl! 3 Jahre 2 Wochen her #500

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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That's a praise you give your child or your dog for doing what you want them to do. Lately governments praise also the obedient public. How nice of autocrats praising their obedient folks! I mean, they need not do that, since if you don't obey, you are punished anyway. So if you ask me, I don't need their praise nor do I need their approval, nor do I want them to tell me in the first place how to live my life. But when I go for my swim I see people walking along the beach with their face masks on, despite actually there are more seagulls around than beach goers. Good boy, good girl! Why do they not take off their mask to get a fresh breath of air? Because it is the "law"! Why this "law"? Because it saves lives? Whose lives? In fact, breathing in your own breath is a technique in psychology where you give people with an acute panic attack a paper bag to breath in their own exhaled breath as it slows down your breathing rate and with that the panic state settles straight away. But then you want them to breath again without the bag since, if they continued, you risk them to faint. Hallo? Where did the experts of these governments learn their trade? Not in medical school! Every medical student knows early on in their education that you don't kill viruses with masks nor with disinfectants, nor antimicrobials! The best way to fend them off, is by having a strong immune system, a hot tea and bed rest under the "doona" if you caught a virus, and yes, you don't hug and kiss and go to work or else. When you are sick you don't go anywhere anyway except, you are poor, stupid or just plain mentally disabled. COV 19 measured on the infection rate is mind boggling, but its lethality is not. Of course, should you be unlucky to have a poor immune defense, you are more likely to belong to the unfortunate who really suffer and die, but the majority does not. So why you stupid boy and stupid girl are you so obedient? Because you need to be praised? Sorry, you are more like a circus animal, trained to perform for the sake of others, in particular your trainer. Why does the military want obedient soldiers? Because one who thinks does not perform and may not follow orders. That is not useful when you fight a war, but to say we are in war with a virus does not address the real issue, which is that of health. A health issue needs to be addressed appropriately by patient, doctors and the health care system, not by ignorant bureaucrats, and experts, who obviously don't know their trade. Of course, to cry war is distracting from the real problems, which is not the virus but the illogical mismanagement of an epidemic and an already dysfunctional health care system at best of times. These so called experts should be ashamed of themselves having sworn to the Hippocratic Oath that doctors are obligated to do. But maybe they did not and don't care about professional ethics either that binds you to not cause more harm than good. However! You, good boy, good girl, you better learn to discern which orders make sense and which don't. Don't follow orders blindly! You are no soldier and there is no war!.
Letzte Änderung: 3 Jahre 2 Wochen her von femina.
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