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THEMA: Buoy in the ocean

Buoy in the ocean 3 Jahre 2 Monate her #491

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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It's a lonely business. If there was no anchoring to the ground it would be lost and with it its business. But hooked up it stays to fulfill a purpose, washed over by waves, shaken by storms, tossed and tumbled or, burnt by the sun. It truly has to be made of a strong material for the purpose it has to fulfill as a way pointer, a lifeline to safety and a spot to hang on to when all else seems lost.
Is it worthwhile? Maybe, maybe not. It may have already lost its grounding and drifts wherever the current goes. Or maybe it is grounded but of no use, forgotten since all traffic is gone, and slowly decaying from beneath while the top looks out over the ocean and into the ever changing sky. A bird may visit, the wind may caress it, rain may wash down its face. Who says it would be a bad life whatever form that takes? It does not register pain because it has no brain, meaning, it has a life but does not know it. I wonder, if I should envy it.
Letzte Änderung: 3 Jahre 2 Monate her von femina.
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