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THEMA: Vaccination to the rescue

Vaccination to the rescue 3 Jahre 2 Monate her #489

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Well, not your rescue, mind you! It rescues the governments from the dead end road they maneuvered themselves into and of course you were lead into it too. Now, they need to find a way to get out of this with face intact. Though the virus will not go away, vaccination is the ticket so they say, since you will be protected and the virus is of no threat to life anymore. What a joke, what a farce! The only threats to your life is a government that disregards the principles of democracy, liberty and the free press. You have lost all of it under the pretense of saving your life and interests. No longer yours, ours, theirs of course! Keep clapping you fools, you are footing the bill, while the manipulators stuff their faces and you get the crumbs, should you be so lucky.
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