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THEMA: Not proven guilty, still jailed

Not proven guilty, still jailed 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #476

  • femina
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  • Beiträge: 349
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The law was once that no-one is guilty until proven otherwise. There were always cases where truly innocent people were judged guilty and ended up in prison. But this was never done on a big scale. Nowadays it is. Governments imprison all people who have not been sentenced without the evidence that they are guilty. I would not protest if someone who has a really contagious and deadly disease to put me or anyone who is endangering others into a locked up cell, sick bed or quarantine, highly guarded, whatever. But to imprison people because they may have a virus, which has proven to be infectious but not as deadly as it was drummed up to be, that makes me question their motives and stand up for my rights and for not being guilty until proven otherwise. Since I believe in democracy and freedom and western countries claim to govern by these ideals, it is a shame that history is allowed to repeat itself over and over again, applauding the Hitlers that come in all kinds of disguise. Unfortunately western democracies show to be as murky as the politicians in power, elected by easily manipulated people, as corrupted as the ones they vote for. Just look look at them closely! Obviously, they agree that people are jailed on suspicion, not on evidence and fined if they break irrational rules, while the autocrats cook up other policies behind closed doors that serve them and their mighty friends, while the rest of the public actually bleeds out. What a state of affair! And the worst is, the propaganda comes thick and fast from a press that has little chance to adhere to honest reporting! Human rights? If China is found guilty so are these so called democracies, which in fact have lost the plot and get now drunk on their fickle power, not realizing what crimes they actually commit at best. At worst they are guilty of knowing. Well, I don't really care what happens to them, but I know, it will not be anything good.
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