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THEMA: Question for Jesus, Allah, Mao and alike.

Question for Jesus, Allah, Mao and alike. 3 Jahre 10 Monate her #441

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
  • Dank erhalten: -1
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"Did you really think you would make a difference to human evolution?" Sorry, you didn't! Evolution did and goes on with or without you. You have been and are insignificant on the cosmic scale, confined to Earth's intelligence, which tries hard to reach the stars, clawing its fingers on to moon and Mars and probing into the vastness of space, but still...….., nothing will come of it. And why did you not make a difference? Because you are an outcrop of inevitable growth, an experiment, a play of things that happen due to the sheer amount of possibilities in the scheme of life over which you never had control and never were designed to have either.
"Did you change human attitude?" Sorry, you didn't! You have not even scratched the nature of their primitive drive for survival. Look at them! Overcrowding Earth like maggots, eating it all up with no concern for tomorrow, having no grasp on anything but being consumed by their fear of not filling their tummies and having to die without ever knowing why they should have existed at all.
"Did you ever give answers to the mystery of life?" Sorry, you didn't! You spoke in riddles and crafted rules, cutting down the wings of creativity to make place for power to bring about war between the good and the evil. Oh my, you did more harm than good, though you may have had better intentions. You just did not realize how insignificant you, me, all human beings are in the progress of life's evolution, because the power lies in life itself not in its individual manifestations.
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