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THEMA: Barrel without bottom but still with a lid.

Barrel without bottom but still with a lid. 3 Jahre 11 Monate her #439

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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It does not make sense and is good for nothing but it still exists. What for? Only to keep old smells in it? Remnants of something good, something of value, nourishment, joy or just pure pleasure, - maybe. It is all gone now or may have never been. It may just have been an illusion, a make belief, stirring expectations which only exist in the mind of the observer, never confirmed because the lid sitting too tightly for lifting it. Could it be a home for something undiscovered, a treasure may be? Or does it contain just plain rotten left-overs that are left better untouched and no horrid beast living inside can scuttle off and infest life somewhere else? I don't know and I don't care. Some things are better left alone because they are just useless, pointless, just stirring the imagination with no benefit one way or the other. In fact, thoughts can be more painful and tormenting than anything physical because they do not end while flesh will die if it is maimed too much. Ah thoughts will die with the flesh? Hm! Another maybe or at least, not necessarily so. You have to take off the lid or turn the barrel upside down to find out more and then you still may not find the answer, or why the bloody barrel was there in the first place. Walk away, forget it! Smell the flowers that grow on the side of the road as you walk! But there are no flowers! Why? Because you tunnel your way through the barrel and apparently the flowers sit on top of the lid. Maybe!
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