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THEMA: I wished I was a lawyer......

I wished I was a lawyer...... 4 Jahre 1 Monat her #412

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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I would sue the government for restriction of my freedom. I have no corona virus, at least not that I know of and nobody is going to test me either because I would not fit the criteria (which are in itself flawed). But I can now be fined for going out, fined for leaving my house unless it is absolutely necessary. I am no danger to anyone. And I am no danger until proven otherwise! So! Instead of pumping money into a collapsing economy caused by government ruling to prevent a virus from spreading, buy test kits to test the public, manufacture them here in the country, if you can't get them otherwise. With all the billions to be spent, this sure should be possible. And bring the health system up to maximum efficiency. That would be money well spent. The costs should no longer be a worry in view of what is happening with millions out of work very soon. The costs will be as exorbitant and devastating as the attempt to flatten the curve of infection. Mind you, though spreading rapidly, the virus has so far not shown to be a serious concern for 80% of the infected. But what it shows is the poor health of the health system itself. As I said, I wished I were a lawyer, wondering how it is possible that the government actually gets away with disregarding the law by putting people under house arrest for the suspicion alone that they could be carrying the virus and thus be a danger to the public. I really hope there is a lawyer as passionate as me somewhere, who would take on these irresponsible scaremongers, for what they do with everyone's life. Not even the police is allowed to attend and intervene before a crime is committed, but the government can? In the interest of the public it is not. This is more than just madness. It truly is insane.
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 1 Monat her von femina.
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