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THEMA: Is legalising Euthanasia of merit?

Is legalising Euthanasia of merit? 5 Jahre 2 Monate her #307

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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The answer is simply: NO! To commit suicide is not against the law, at least not in western societies. It is easy to obtain appropriate drugs that put one to sleep for good. So why this big discussion about euthanasia? Because assisted suicide (euthanasia) is a total different concept, handing over one's life to somebody, willing to "kill" it. It sure is easier than to do it yourself, but suicide is an act of desperation and should not to be done impulsively or made easy to do. The efforts to prevent suicide in the young but not for the old and sick should raise anyone's alarm bells. Euthanasia may indeed open the doors for (even big scale) "killing off" the old and infirm in an already uncaring society where profit and cost/benefit ratio rule and, where caring and helping the ones who need it most is lacking big time. Prospects of an aging population is a political nightmare and families forced to carry the burden cannot cope. Allowing for an easy way out is not necessarily in the best interest of an individual though it is for the society at large. However, an individual has a right to make decisions regarding his life and considering the core of euthanasia, meaning to die in dignity and in a nice environment, is desirable, but no laws are necessary for doing just that. You only need to do it yourself, make your death your own, with or without your loved ones knowing. If you cannot do so, you are in fact no candidate for lawful euthanasia either, because you are in fact not ready to go or actually not capable of making the decision. However, the problem at present is that your loved ones may be in trouble with the law if they attend your passing with the knowledge of what you do. Legalising euthanasia offers thus little benefit to the ones wanting to die, but benefits the ones who help them on their way out, actively or passively. A double sided sword indeed, because whom do they serve, the one who truly wants to go or is it in their own interest, their own agenda?
Letzte Änderung: 5 Jahre 2 Monate her von femina.
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