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A place for people to meet who want to learn and discuss Sozieterna’s philosophies.
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THEMA: Sozieterna's basic societal principles

Sozieterna's basic societal principles 11 Jahre 6 Monate her #18

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 356
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There are 3 fundamental principles not new by any means. Western World's democratic constitutions are based on it; the French Revolution may mark the birth of them, but in fact, these principles are part of evolution not revolution.

The French but can claim the principles as their war-cry shouted out loud

Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite
( Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood )

and have written it in blood, with so many heads rolling off the guillotine, resembling conveyor-belt execution never seen before.

Revolution is certainly effective but incredible costly. Is it worth the many deaths and human suffering? How is the cost/benefit ratio weighing up? Revolution cannot avoid being bloody. It is external change that needs force to eliminate the old and indoctrinate the new into what is left of surviving brains. Unfortunately it does not guarantee lasting results only quick results. Napoleon serves as a good example of it.

Real change comes from within. It took indeed a long time, from the French Revolution to modern Western Democracy, to internalize these 3 principles into the western psyche. Though evolution's slow motion is not recognized as a revolutionary process because it lacks drama and pain it is by no means the lesser of it. The rage of revolution slowing down into slow motion is evolution. The wheel is still turning but the letter, "R", has fallen off the wheel turning the rev-head into an Endurance performer.
To explore these 3 principles under a Sozieterna perspective I will come back to them in my future blogs. For now I would love to hear from Non-Sozieternas what their views are. What does liberty or freedom mean to you, what does equality mean to you? What does brotherhood/sisterhood mean to you? And how does it apply to your life? Is there a discrepancy between what is and what should be?

Stay well and take care

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