Services on offer are for medical issues, mental health assessments and therapies, life coaching and improvements in areas of the above mentioned body, mind and soul.
For face to face consultations Skype can be arranged, though it is not a routine arrangement and is not immediately available nor will it be a 2 way visual, at least not in the initial stages of a consultation,or by demand. The reasons can always be explored with the interested person.
Personal attendances are possible but one has to keep in mind that the travels involved may prove a practical problem too big to overcome. Though the consultations are of professional nature and standard (appropriate qualification is available for proof), there is at present no intent to prescribe medications. Treatment options can be discussed and may be recommended, but please keep in mind this site is not the usual medical or counselling online service and does therefore not wish to emphasize the standard approach of any established treatment philosophy, be it Western, Eastern, Homeopathic or any other type.
It emphasizes on a healing approach that is inclusive not exclusive to all ways of achieving the best outcome for the person who needs help, either physically, mentally, spiritually or all of them.
Being a personal service it cannot be free of charge. It will depend on the type of intervention that is requested or required, but that can be too variable to actually make a price list. Rest assured it will never be in excess to the usual fees appropriate to the intervention and likely less than other professionals may charge, taking into account your membership. It may also be negotiated prior to a consult. Also remember, simple question and answer type advice, if kept open to all other members may be answered anyway, particularly if there is interest in the topic by other members or your question is of particular relevance in context of Sozieterna's view on the subject.
Members will also have the opportunity to watch the book DNA grow as translations progress. To browse in the ready to read texts in a continued rather than broken up fashion, as it is presented in the Public Forum may then be more enjoyable. The book DNA is a work in progress and will be presented as an e-book later on.
The fee is $50 (Australian) for 6-months