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TOPIC: Not asleep, indoctrinated!

Not asleep, indoctrinated! 1 year 10 months ago #579

  • femina
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I am so sick of hearing all the time that people are still asleep despite them facing the abolition of human rights, freedom and democracy, once upheld as a goal in the western world. I am torn between anger and acceptance, since it is a hopeless state of affairs. There you got the various psychological experts trying to explain the prevailant human attitude of doing nothing despite obvious crimes being committed against them. I cannot believe with what they come up with as the reason: Mass hysteria, mass psychosis, mass manipuation through propaganda and fear mongering, explaining it as a mass reaction and excusing mass timidness while confronted by abusive and violent perpetrators. THESE ARE NOT CAUSES BUT CONSEQUENCES! The real underlying problem is nothing but INDOCTRINATION of the hierarchical system throughout human history. Nobody talks about that but upholds it as if there was no other way of existence. The spectacle of coronations, fancy state meetings and ceremonies of political leaders, the religious parades and worship of clerical God impersonators, all are well alive and people flock to them like the bees to the honey pot. But here lies the root of why people do nothing and wait for leaders to guide them, safe them, protect them. They have been brainwashed into believing that this must be so, with God at the top, kings etc next on the ladder and in modern times governments and experts because the masses are too stupid, too weak, to occupied with doing the mundane daily stuff of working (for the upper crust), raising their families and providing the superior classes with the goods they need to govern and care for their subordinates. What a joke, what a lie, what a deception from the power stricken and self centered classes that live off the masses and never want to share with them the riches they obtain by the plebs's labour. A child will still cling to the abusive father despite the pain it endures, because the father is seen as the life line since the very young child knows instinctively it cannot fend for itself. Of course, initially it cannot survive, but it may not survive with such a father either!
So! What kind of indroctrination am I talking about? It is the misunderstanding of hierarchical order. Yes, since humans are herd animals they entrust their lifes to the leader. But it is long overdue to shed that unquestioned trust because we are no longer animals but thinking human beings. Trust has to be earned, not assumed, as people do and, the political and clerical power brokers have and do enforce it to their advantage. These herdleaders do not care for their herd. They just continue the myth that they do but carry on to keep the masses in check by claiming they know best and do what is good for them, while they only do what is good for themselves. They teach and preach how important order and maintaining order is, and that control is best kept in their hands, because they cherish their flock and will always look out for them. After all, the herd has other things to do, is too occupied, too distracted or, whatever, thus, to keep things the way it should be, is the leader's duty and that of their clan. True! Order is beneficial due to different qualities of people that live in social confines, and hirarchy evolves out of that, but the leaders have to be constantly checked, and replaced, because it is also true that any kind of power can corrupt any person's mind. Unfortunately it is also too convenient to hand over responsibilities to others and tiresome to check constantly that things are done as expected, but that is the price of convenience. The world, as beautiful a place as it is, it also is a hard, tough place and it requires a lot of skills to survive its challenges and beat its harshness. But here comes the but! HUMANS NEED TO GROW UP, NOT WAKE UP. They need to understand that survival is a matter of love and caring for all life and that it is the responsibility of every single human to balance their actions within nature and their social settings in true fashion to guarantee the well-being of all life since all is and all are interconnected. Nobody is above anyone or anything, no king, no government, no tyrant, no father. Every single life is precious and has to be maintained soundly balanced to allow life as we know it to thrive and flourish. Otherwise we and all else is doomed and will vanish, no matter how hard these ill minded leaders try to ensure their own survival. You are not their concern and neither is life alltogether. Their goal is power and to replace God. They obviously believe God is the ultimate power but God is love. (Mind you, God in this context is of symbolic use).
But back to the topic! Never misunderstand cause and effect, or cause and symptoms. Treating the cause means healing, highlighting the effect and treating symptoms is only a short term solution, never a cure. Forget the old models of hierarchical institutions. They only prolong the pain and get misused. Understand that order is not sanctuary but limitation, though do not mistake order as useless either. Hierarchy itself is not evil, but when left to illminded people, it is the narcotic to keep the masses under the whip. Then the masses can be easily manipulated and, look around you, you can see what you get, a paralysed mass, engulfed in fear, ruthless and cruel to all that seems weak, in fact they have been made to "useless eaters". That is why the masses do as they are told and remain silent to atrocities, all in the name of the greater good.
I look with trepidation to the crowning spectactle of a new king, knowing I can do little to tell the masses to stop digging their own graves. Humans have lost the plot because they never grew up to leave the nest. Instead, they keep worshipping the father who kicks in their heads.
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