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TOPIC: Just a hopeless case, or not?

Just a hopeless case, or not? 2 years 2 weeks ago #575

  • femina
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Unfortunately, it looks we have reached the end of our time, meaning the end of the human kind, if not the end of life as we know it, (at least on our planet Earth). Intelligence has not served us well. Though an excellent tool, it corrupted the mind of people in power. Mind you, power is not a personal possession. It can be stripped off like you peel oignons. Even though there are usually only a few of people in power, they cling to it and actually believe to be powerful, but they are delusional, supported by the masses of people who share their delusions. Why is this delusion so common, you may ask? The answer is simple: The intelligent few keep the simple minded many well herded by means of claiming to look after them, keeping them safe, feeding them, allowing them to play too and, abusing them, cruelly, if they walk out of line. But why take the many such treatments without protest? Again, the answer is simple: It allows them to avoid responsibility over their own life; no worry about finding food, endulging in pleasurable activities as much as allowed and following rules without questioning, because they believe the herders know best. But they also live in fear of punishment and, are convinced, being indoctrinated as soon as they are born, that the herders are the best suited to ensure the survival of them all.
Of course, this is the delusional framework. It works a treat with religion as co-parent. But times did change. Knowledge about reality turned sheep against herders, because they began to realize, not all of these herders looked after them, including their safety, as they should and promise too. In fact, they found out, they were kept mostly for the herders interests, that they are victims and, barred from sharing the good life the herders, or should we call them horders, have achieved, on the back of sheep labour, not their own. And now find out that they are no longer needed at all, that technology replaces them, and that the horders want to get rid of them alltogether.
Well! As long as the delusions are kept alive, we really must say, it is a hopeless case for humans and life on Earth as we know it.
Intelligence will safe no one! But who or what can? The answer is simple again: Change! Get out of the delusions; they are only man made and, replace intelligence as the goal, for love. Team them up, because together, these two work a treat!
There is a wonderful example in nature of how beautiful our world is and can be for us all. In a small lake of a remote island you find the georgous 'waterballerinas'. They wake in the morning when the sun comes up, rising up from the bottom, where they rest over night, to float to the surface, to greet the sun and dance in the light of the new day. Dressed in pink tutus and transparent veiles their movement is graceful and in harmony and peace with each other, and the ccurrent, if there should be one, made by a gentle breeze. They are in fact jelly fish, but their sight is one of delight. Why should I think, this is something we humans should aspire to? The answer is simple: These creatures demonstrate what it means to live with nature, not against it. Their day is leisure with plenty of food to sustain them and they obviously have no ill feelings with their neighbors. They appear to enjoy their days in bliss. Pink is the color of emotional balance and means happiness, and transparency is not dangerous, because there is no exploitation. Now, you may say, they have no consciousness, no goals, nothing to be proud of when they have lived their life. Their life is good for nothing. Well, I say, who knows if these creatures do, or do not, experience a state of awareness, but what they demonstrate is, what consciousness in peace, total harmony and pleasure is, when in sync with nature. And, when they die, they have lived a happy life. What do you want from yours?
Last Edit: 2 years 1 week ago by femina.
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