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TOPIC: Too much talking

Too much talking 2 years 4 months ago #567

  • femina
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When there is constant talking about the same things over and over again, it becomes background noise that washes over you like a pleasant rain. If not followed by action or change you can see, talking loses its purpose. It has to be accompanied by action. So, what is the point of people popping up like mushrooms after the rain, when they only repeat what has been said so often that you have to switch off listening. Okay, it means, there are now more voices daring to speak out against the evil mob trying to take over the world, but for talk alone it is too late; talk becomes stale and meaningless, It literally becomes background noise while the misery goes on unabaded. It does not matter, if there are now more people on the streets protesting. It does not matter that there is now more proof of what crimes have been committed. As long as the corrupt forces are in power, the corrupt lot will do as they please. Who is stopping them? Not the many talkers, not the protesters, not elections on which voters pin their hope, (or not, for good reasons). When corrupted crooks sit in the juridiction, laws do no longer have meaning. Corrupt systems are lawless, and the ones sticking to laws are the laughing stock for the corrupt. Everyone by now, should have realized that the corruption has pervaded every aspect of life, so keep on talking until your tongue is frezzled, but do not ever expect change. Talking time is over. The reader may wonder if I propagate eye for an eye action, or violent means to bring about change. NO! Definitely not! There are other means, intelligent means to cut off the power for the crooked. They are still the minority despite sitting in key positions. However, they are in the population just as good. In that case better call them mugs, because they sell their soul to anyone for a few bucks, while the crooks sheffle millions. The intent of the "elite" crooks is to cause enough civil unrest, indeed, even civil war, or international war in persuit of their goals, which is concentration of power over everything, including you. Of course this must be stopped for the obvious reasons, but how do you deal with crooks in a corrupt system? Well, it is quite simple, if the majority of people (who want to uphold life in peace and prosperity, and the majprity does!), stick together and use resistance, passive resistance that is, dismissing the crooks' commands and, use alternative means for survival, not the ones the crooks offer and lure you with. Simply saying NO to crooks and mugs, not buying their goods, making yourself independant from them. Their income will dwindle and all your decicive actions will wear them down. Yes it may need upgrading your skills of self defence, legally, mentally, as well as physically, but that is the way of resistance, meaningful and effective without violence. Starve the crooks, do not feed them, and they will fall. Commerce is after all their stronghold. Money is their fuel. Every kid at school knows, if you give in to a bully, the bullying will never stop, rather get worse. So! Get up! Stop useless talking and take action by simply saying NO. But learn how to defend yourself, because the crooks will retailiate and the mugs will attack you literally. No easy road will lead out of this mess, but choose one that brings a solution, not one that is your demise, the demise of your children and, life alltogether, as we know it and cherish..
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