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Discussions about Femina’s book translations from her blog.
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TOPIC: Regarding "DNA", book translations

Regarding "DNA", book translations 11 years 5 months ago #22

  • femina
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Dear friends!

DNA, the book was written in an other language and it is difficult to capture the intricacies of that language as it is with all translations that are more than mere factual writings. There is no claim to high literary achievements, but it has none the less idioms and word-plays that are crucial to the text and style chosen and cannot be translated, but the essence of the content will be conveyed in the best possible way. DNA can certainly claim to be a unique work, but how well this can cross over from one language to the other has yet to be seen.
In its favor is to say that DNA was not written to please any critic, nor to please anyone in specific, though it is meant to be entertaining, challenging or stimulating on various levels particularly for people who like to read and deal with the unusual.
Due to the translations being a work in progress on the blog site under the book icon, this may make it even more confusing for the reader. However, the numbered extracts or "chapters" as mentioned every time one translation is posted, are chronological in that order and comprise the continuity of the text if read from 1 to subsequent numbers.
Every ten translations will be transferred to the Affiliate link and collected to book format, eventually becoming the complete version of the book as it already exists in the original hard copy scripture.
I believe that each translated extract has its own merits and hopefully its own value for the reader. To read the book as a whole completed work may allow for a different experience, but does not necessarily enhance the journey the reader is supposed to take.
I do wish that in which ever way you read the book and follow Femina's journey it is giving you pleasure to go along with her. May be it takes you on a road you don't know or never considered.

Enjoy what ever you do


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