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More About Sozieterna

Posted by on in Special Posts


After the initial introduction of Sozieterna to the public, people who have never heard of the name nor of anyone belonging to such a community, may want answers to some basic questions they probably have and wonder about. Questions like, who are they, what are they, why are they and how come that they never came across such people, though of course they did unknowingly.

Let us begin with the name. There is no correlation to a geographical area or land formation and little emphasis by Sozieternas themselves to be “tagged”. There may be different names in different languages, all would essentially define and identify them as a distinct society though not necessarily a nation. Sozieternas do not have nationalistic pride to insist on such distinction. As names make life easier for everyone the consensus was after all to accept an official term that is composed of two words describing and defining them by two but essential characteristics.

The two words derived from Latin in reference to something old, and being the basis for younger languages as demonstrated in this instance were ‘societas’, meaning fellowship or society, and ‘aeterna’, meaning eternal. The exact Latin words are “aeterna societate” that translates into English as “eternal society”. It became “Soci – eterna” initially, but being more useful as one word it ended with the final version of “Sozieterna”. The history of the z instead c is not that important to be specifically pointed out, but the letter z is overall useful in keeping the pronunciation more succinct and maintaining a reference to its 2 word origin.

To call them a nation is justified though obviously not fulfilling the criteria by the usual understanding of that term. They are indeed a distinct population in the universal scheme of existence and part of the cosmic order. They are true cosmopolitans, literally speaking. Their origin does not imply that they are not humans. Living on Earth they have to be. But their state of mind is not confined to the earthly predicament as is usual for humans born of Planet Earth. They still have evolved from matter just the same, they are just older. Their age being the crucial difference to humans, they have reached maturity, and wisdom that comes with it. It does not mean that all have the same wisdom just as humans are not all of the same intelligence. The differences amongst their own can be quite substantial. But overall, Sozieternas’ awareness or self-consciousness has been refined to a point where merging with the higher vibrational energies of the cosmos has been achieved. It is in stark contrast to consciousness bound to Mother Earth belonging to the Earthlings as humans from Earth are sometimes called. To describe the difference between Sozieternas and Earthlings an analogy may be useful: Both are like precious stones, but one is polished and cut, while the other is rough and raw. Amongst both groups are gems of different quality and potential though in Earthlings the crude matter dominates. While Sozieternas do not care about preciousness, Earthlings do. In fact, they can’t get enough of it.   

For Sozieternas, Earth is a choice of life in matter and time. Living a human life they accept its natural conditions and laws and all that comes with it as physical restriction and limitation. The dense matter is essentially a clothing that is worn by them for the time being. It is of a weave or if you like structure that determines appearance and capacities and is always unique for the individual. However, that is generally applicable to all life forms. It can be a burden for some depending what obligations they have to fulfil, or what goals they pursue, or what work they have themselves committed to. For others it may be filled with delicious pleasure resembling paradise, or it may be a challenge and adventure or even just a test for their own sake, but the care for others is never compromised. In any case, Sozieternas know this is short lived as human life generally is particularly when compared to cosmic time, not to mention eternity. 

Their existence has been a point of heated discussion throughout history of mankind but, no matter how hard various groups of people tried to suppress any notion of them, it is impossible to eliminate them as it is impossible to eliminate the universe. Humans cannot kill the atom as much as they may try. Having learnt to manipulate things man still cannot eradicate things for good though of course he does his best trying and can be deadly as we know.

Sozieternas precede not only the human race, in fact they precede planet earth altogether, but they are of matter as all and everything else being part of the universe, and as the universe itself is. Earth with all its life-forms is a young event. Humans are a new generation and evolving. Their development so far, and to use Ericsons’ model of an individual person’s Life Cycle, is in the phase of finding their Ego Identity, versus Role Diffusion. It is a difficult stage as every parent can testify. Puberty and teenage years are a challenging time for the both.   

If anyone in this modern science oriented time believes that the human race is the beginning and the end of creation, and that this Earth is the only planet capable of producing intelligent life forms, is mistaken. Education may be to blame for his error, but no matter who is responsible for that, there is, now more so than ever a genuine search going on to find answers to questions concerning life and death and everything in between. 

Physics states that energy is never lost only transformed. It applies to all material aspects of the universe, including intelligence, and awareness, so to speak of spirit, anima or soul, all meaning the same for Sozieterna. As it is energy as well, it is therefore never lost either. Jung coined the expression of “Colllective Unonsciousness” which according to him overarches or if you like underlies the individual’s consciousness. It sure is applicable to life on Earth but it is in contrast to the “Universal Consciousness” which extends far beyond being part of the Universe, true to its literal meaning. It is no incidence that matter can evolve to life, intelligent life and conscious life because it is a process. It progresses as in evolution as well as it is a manifestation. One is born from the other, one can superimpose the other, or underpin it. A particle can be a wave as good as being a particle! (Never mind the observer, but thanks to him we know about it) 

The reason for Sozieternas to remain in the background has been as much for practical reasons as it is a healthy risk management strategy not just to protect themselves from problems but more so to prevent interference with their work and the natural progress of their charges. Some believe it would be wiser to continue that way because human intelligence has increased but not their spiritual understanding, meaning there is great knowledge but little love. It may therefore be better to continue to contribute to life on planet earth as individuals, in specific areas of concern or scale or magnitude as Sozieternas have done throughout the ages. 

Though Sozieternas are not afraid of humans they do not underestimate them either. Intelligence without love is the “dark side of the moon.” Children and the cognitively impaired can be very cruel without really comprehending what damage they actually do, but knowing what harm one does and not care is the trademark of the psychopath. There can be no excuse for a person not wanting to learn and not taking responsibility for his or her actions. The teachings always have been there, all the way and all along. Besides, every individual knows instinctively the difference between ‘good’ and ‘evil’, (another subject to be discussed another time). Considering humans as entities in their own right no matter how flawed, to do right or wrong is and always was an individual’s decision. If people do not know right from wrong they are justifiably considered ill or incapable because it is not within reason. 

As life comes in varied forms, there are different qualities, different grades of development, and different expressions of intelligence and awareness. But nothing, absolutely nothing would exist if it was not for love. The reader might think this to be a ludicrous statement, but the subject of love as the basis of all things need to be and will be examined another time. To explain Sozieterna’s view on love is not the subject of today’s article. However, being a major aspect of their philosophy it explains the purpose of their own life. They are dedicated to a work of love in the interest of all creation. It assists them to progress and foster their own sublimation but most importantly they genuinely want to help all and everything to do so regardless of the other’s level of development. They know, progress is inevitable, but to what cost and pain! Sozieternas don’t like to see others suffering. For them there can be no true happiness when others suffer. If they can help they will. If they can prevent suffering they will. If they are asked to help they definitely will. In their heart is the whole universe because there is no arbitrary separation. But all labor of love can be done without public declaration. All Sozieternas agree on that. 

There is indeed another reason why a step forward into the public eye is thought to be important. Too much destruction and suffering they see with too little time left to stop the “runaway train”. Many Sozieternas believe it is necessary for humans and Sozieternas to unite for the common goal of advancement of man and the world he lives in. It is time for him to revisit his unsettled views on life and its purpose. Humans have reached a milestone in their growing up phase. All intelligent minds, and all capable of love need to join forces, work together to make the ‘coming of age’ a constructive event for the benefit of all humans, all creatures and everything else. It cannot be done without challenging customary traditions, habitual institutions and irrational fear, but it needs to be done, peacefully with the revolution an internal event, and love not sword. 

Ideological war, for example science versus religion need not ensue. Physics has already come to the verge of Philosophy and no war is better than any other, for religious or commercial or whatever reasons. In fact, science has prepared the grounds so man can make the leap into the next, or better, more advanced dimension. 

The challenge is an intellectual one serving the evolution of mind. Hence, Sozieterna coming to the foreground is just what it is, a step forward regardless of the prevailing doubts and justifiable hesitation. One could after all discuss to no ends while time is speeding up and suffering increases. Why speculating on possible outcomes? What is the risk to fail? There really is nothing to lose but all to gain.  






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