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  As I anticipated at the beginning of 24, the year would allow people to breath better again after being subjected to the ordeals of the so-called pandemic, a period lasting for more or less 4 years; and though C is over, by no means is the agenda. Anyway! 24 a breather, 25 seems to offer something different, maybe some kind of renewal, or just a return to some normality. With a new president in the US a fresh wind is blowing, at least in their country. It was worthwhile to wait with the article’s publication for it may mean something positive for other countries too. This is of course wishful thinking, more likely is that things will get worse before anything good will happen. Looking back before looking forward, 24 certainly was not a peaceful...

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What is there to say other than 2021 was nothing but the continuation of the disaster of 2019. The only positive to acknowledge is that more people are waking up to the disgusting abuse of power that is committed by the politicians elected into government by the people who now have been sold out and endure the hardship pushed on them by their corrupt representatives and stalwart bureaucrats. I said in the review on 2019 that ScoMo (Australia’s PM) would ruin the country because this guy was and is no person to entrust with power. And unfortunately, he demonstrated it perfectly without delay. He and his consorts concocted the treason on the public unashamedly, though he, in accordance to his character, is hiding behind the brazen fools and bullies of the states, who do his dirty...

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  Dear Ini! I am not sure if this letter will reach you but I send it anyway. You are always in my mind because I know you are walking in darkness, tormented and torn between despair and hope. It does not matter what you think, what you wish for or what you should or should not do, you suffer and have recoiled into your shell of loneliness, where nobody can reach you and where nobody is to talk to. Even your own voice has become a whisper too faint for yourself to listen to. I remember you and your sister, twins that you were but oh so different, that one could only see you both as night and day, moon and sun, snowfall and lava rain. She was the sunflower while you were the white...

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  Since the introduction of Sozieterna to the public the hesitation about this step was a point of concern then and it still is. No uni-vocal agreement or consensus among its members has been reached so far. There are more arguments against then for it, and the voices against become stronger rather than less. Their reasoning unfortunately has solid ground and is twofold. For one it is about Sozieterna’s own interests, the other about the interests of Non-Sozieternas. In this specific instance it is about the interests of all people on Earth as we inhabit this planet. There was some concern raised that Sozieternas may be misconstrued as being “aliens”, or some other weird creatures, due to the distinction made in the previous article about Sozieternas, between them and “Earthlings” (Non-Sozieternas). Indeed, the point is taken...

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  After the initial introduction of Sozieterna to the public, people who have never heard of the name nor of anyone belonging to such a community, may want answers to some basic questions they probably have and wonder about. Questions like, who are they, what are they, why are they and how come that they never came across such people, though of course they did unknowingly. Let us begin with the name. There is no correlation to a geographical area or land formation and little emphasis by Sozieternas themselves to be “tagged”. There may be different names in different languages, all would essentially define and identify them as a distinct society though not necessarily a nation. Sozieternas do not have nationalistic pride to insist on such distinction. As names make life easier for everyone the consensus...

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