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THEMA: Doctors and toothless tigers

Doctors and toothless tigers 2 Jahre 2 Monate her #546

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Yes, doctors and other instiitution, like the ones intending to protect humans, animals, or the environment, all of you, with only a few exceptiions, have become toothless and useless. Once at least you did mostly the right thing, caring for your patients, standing up when human rights were abused, providing at least some protection and support for the defenseless and victims within your own country and even abroad. Though never as good or effective as intended to be, you tried hard. But now you are not doing your job, certainly not with any kiind of consciencesness, and the ones who still try their best, get prosecuted, ridiculed and stripped of their livelyhood. You toothless serve the governments now, not the patients, or whomever you are supposed to serve, and your professional representatives enforce political agendas too. They do not stand up for the profession as a whole, don't stand up for what is the doctors' duties and obligation towards the patient, nor do they support you the doctor on the ground floor. Your priority and that of all organisations, who claim to stand for human rights, anti- discrimination, welfare for society, animals and environments, is obedience. You all no longer use laws and directives for the good or the suffering. You have lost your integrity by participating in acts of political tyranny.
Sadly, it seems all humans have lost their mind, lost their compassion, their conscience and have become willing tools for evil to take over the world. But a doctor who harms the patient because he obeys mandates of bureaucrats and their rules, has either succumbed to pressure exerted on him, or has his own flaws, he is not a doctor but a bureaucrat himself. An antidiscrimination officer who advises the discriminated that he has no right to complain, nor will be given help to fight against being discriminated, does not do his job. He should resighn and not continue to earn his money coming from the people, who he is meant to support when they are victimised. A doctor's duty is to do no harm to the patient, do the best to keep him functioning as good as possible if he has an illness, prevent the patient from deterioration with all the tools available, keep the patient informed and respect his joices, even if they go against his advice and, to never betray his trust despite it being sometimes hard when he has to point out the truth. This is called a sound doctor-patient relationship, where the patient knows, his doctor will not work against him and no political interference or other outside interests are ever used against him.
Oh doctor, doctor! Now you are a traitor, obliging politicians while working against your patient's well being and health. You have become a tool of tyranny and a soiled professional, who sits cosy within the chambers of rotten morals and foul goals, earning Judah's silverlings and wearing shiny clothes. And this applies to all who are complicit with governments who say one thing and do the other, abusing their powers but claim it is for the good of the people.
Is this the world you want to live in I ask my readers? Of course not! You would never read my blogs nor anything else on my site, if you did. Am I successful with my site? Of course not! Because it is of little interest for the mad and crazy masses and does not have the "Hunger Games" stamp and entertainment approval. Minorities may not make a difference, but so be it. At least I, we are not silent, and from small seeds things grow. Besides, conscience never dies, belonging to a different realm of energy than the body does. Collective consciousness is not a fiction of our mind. It exists and survives, because it is the subtle matter of existence that only the open minded perceive and live by. Sad times now, yes, with the crude ruling, but to think that the crude is all there is, simply is a mistake. And! Beauty still exists, love still exists, compassion still exists. We, the minority, still exist and we are the thorn in the evil eyes. That is enough to carry on despite being tired and at times burdened and sad. In fact, there is so much.reward and gained particularly in hard times. So! Doctor, doctor and you toothless agents, you are doomed. By betraying your patients, your clients, your duties, I would not ever want to change place with you. Your roads go into darkness and you already live more in fear of us, the minority, than we, the minority, fears you.The more you hurt us, the more you hurt yourself. So funny! To find happiness amongst all odds against it, you losers will never understand!
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