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THEMA: Beyond repair

Beyond repair 2 Jahre 4 Monate her #538

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Recently I had to attend a medical facility which was full of people waiting. The mask wearing mandate was ongoing and applied to all indoor settings. I cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition, though I would not wear one anyway because I am not a dog that has to be mussled when going out. Of course, no stranger would know that I am exempted from this masking order, and of course an elderly woman sitting in the waiting room shouting from quite a few meters away that I should wear a mask could not know. But! Since when has a person the right to order others around for things that are none of their business? Not even if I was not doing the "right thing"! Mind you! I was not breaking the law nor did I endanger anyone with my action. In fact, I would be one in danger from the mussled others, because they spread more germs than I am carrying around being without the bug traps. Of course, I did not engage in any discussion with that woman, knowing a person like that is beyond reasoning.
My question here however is more generell: How can anyone still expect to be able to get rid of governments who blatantly and without any remorse overturn human rights, constitutional rights and, zensor solid scientific studies and evidence against their mandates under emergency state ruling, for a non existent pandemic? There is no way these politicians, the complicit press and media would not know that what they are doing is wrong! All of them know and still carry on, manipulating the public to participate in their dirty games. The righteous woman may be excused for not knowing that she has been duped, but the governing bodies and the media undoubtedly know; there already exists enough evidence to proof that too. The destruction of the democratic system has been orchestrated and eagerly executed to perfection and it is so solid that it actually is beyond repair. No election will fix it, no mending can be done to last for more than just an acute fix. The system is broken and it has to be pulled down to the ground, from the very top and including all that sit hidden behind the puppets to direct their moves.
Can it be done? Hm! I have no confidence in a renewal that does not eliminate the toxic structures including the poisonous grounds. Though I will try and help as good as I can, wishing to be wrong with my doubts with all my heart. Sadly, when I wish to be wrong, I never am. Of course let us hope! But we must understand that this repair is massive, should it even have a chance to get off the ground. However! I also know, the rotten system cannot last, not with such evil at the helm. It fills me somewhat with "Schadenfreude" because you mussled lady and you rotten dictators and traitors, life in your world is hell. You can have it! Us like minded may have to go and find or create paradise somewhere else, even it it is not of this world. No problem! Anything is better than your hell.
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