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THEMA: Replacing logic

Replacing logic 2 Jahre 5 Monate her #532

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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What do you get if you replace logic? Well, just consider current events that take place all over the werld. You get chaos on every level of life. Logic means order, routines, functioning, smooth operation of machinery, organisations, systems. All falls apart if logic gets lost. Of course, it is impossible not to return to a state of logical conditions, but sometimes that is prevented by forces that thrive on chaos and disarray because it serves a purpose. Question: Why or who or what would like malfunctioning of any kind? The answer is easy (logical): When you create chaos you can rearrange things, maybe not the way it was, but the way it suits the one causing the dysfunctioning. And let's face it: That is exactly what is currently happening to our world being plunged into fear by real and not real threats to existence. In this case it is fear of catching a "deadly" bug. Of course, governments who proclaim these general safety concerns but do not actually do something constructive about it have obviously other agendas. But until the public finds that out as they (logically) will, the other side has time to bring in new rules and laws to ensure they can stick to their goals while maintaining their control over the crowds that have begun to stand up and revolt. Logic has no value for such governments. They replace it with lies, abuse of basic human rights and more and more drakonian interventions and enforcements, even physical abuse, done ruthlessly and without delay. Everything they say or do defies logic. Now calling in again a new bug or whatever, they can bring back fear in order to subdue the crowds again and force them back into obedience. What better way is there than isolate the citizens from each other, to get them wear musks, which starves them of oxygen, to keep them drowsy and dull by breathing in their own exhaled CO2? Their tactics may not delude all citizens, nor distract the alert, but the weak and the worried will oblige and that is usually enough to keep the abuser abusing. Everyone understands domestic violence, but when it comes to big scale abuse it seems people cannot see what they are subjected to. As I said it all the way since the beginning of this so called world health crisis, it never had anything to do with upholding health and saving lives. This was never the agenda. It was a political agenda all along and still is with a goal that serves the interest of a few, while the puppets of politicians dance to their tunes and the public is left to die. Unlikely from the bug, mind you, but from the violent abuse at the hand of corrupted politicians, who were elected and trusted with the governing business on the public's behalf. Sure, bugs kill and nowadays they can even be created, but there are many ways to get killed, even a coconut may fall on your head. And remember! Wars no longer need bombs, though they will still be used for the fireworks. Wars are literally fought with various bugs, biological ones, or ones sneaked into the digital world, or even introduced into your body with nano particles and pods, and you may not even know it. So! When logic no longer has value, its replacement is nothing but disaster for everything of whatever system that is. .
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