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THEMA: Still dreaming?

Still dreaming? 2 Jahre 8 Monate her #522

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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I don't know what dream you have but if it is about how well the governments are looking after you and want to safe your live, keep dreaming. Unfortunately, when you wake up, you will find yourself in the real nightmare and there will be nobody to blame but yourself. I do not care for you the yes-sayer, the dobber, the obedient, the dog who cowers for his bone, though I like the dog, because he does not know better. My heart sure goes out for the innocent, the naïve, the illtreated and unwilling victims. It saddens me deeply to see lives lost, all lives mind you, from the cows and sheep in the slaughter houses and on the boats, to the sows and hens in the animal farms, the insects killed by gene altered crops and, for all my brothers and sisters who suffer here, there, everywhere and particularly the children, born into a world that is doomed. All Sozieternas know the pain because nothing is new under the sun. History has long enough recorded what crimes humans have committed, but still nothing changes. So if you have not learned from history by now, thank goodness, nature will tell you once and for all, it is time to pay up. I am confident that from now on to the time when the planet tells you, enough is enough, it will be no fun time for most. And though there are the ones who have accumulated all the riches they can and still grab more, there is no way out, not even for them. How was your space trip recently? A great fun experience while others suffer? No thank you! I would not like to be in your shoes ever. A black soul, a rotten spirit is just that and the darker it is, the less chance it has to escape its own malice. So! Keep dreaming you hanger-on and you victim of deceit, because when you wake up, it will be your nightmare and that will be for real.

Letzte Änderung: 2 Jahre 8 Monate her von femina.
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