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THEMA: In case you don't know.....

In case you don't know..... 2 Jahre 9 Monate her #520

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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.....what democracy is, I would like to highlight the essentials:
The power lies with the people not the government. Governments are elected by you
Freedom of speech is a must, even if you do not like what is said. Censorship has no place in a democracy.
Equality of people is unquestionable. No 2 class society, (be it apartheid, religious belief, educational etc.) is ever acceptable.
Your body is yours to determine how to treat it. Consent for any treatment if you need one is required if you are of sound mind.
Human rights are to be respected at all times, even if a country has no 'Bill of Right'. A citizen should never be robbed of his essential right to self determination, nor coerced or forced against his will to live, move, work and vote other than within democratic principles.
Do you still believe you live in a democratic country?
If you do then you are beyond help. You do not understand democracy. You agree with rules of an authoritarian country, a dictatorship and/or a class system society. In fact, you deserve to be treated as subject of the state no matter what. Congratulation! You have lost everything worth wile to live for. Your live is no longer yours.
Freedom is not to be free as long as you obey. Freedom is to be free despite you do not obey. Obedience is no criteria of democratic rule, freedom is.
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