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THEMA: Voluntary or coercion?

Voluntary or coercion? 2 Jahre 11 Monate her #508

  • femina
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Since no law so far exists to force a patient into treatment, he can only be treated with his/her consent. In fact, the patient has to sign a form if a treatment is invasive (even puncturing the skin with a needle is considered invasive). Of course, not always does it need a written consent. A verbal consent however is required or, at least, a verbal agreement can be assumed when a patient seeks help for his ailments. Though it does not mean that he will actually take any of the pills the doctor prescribes. The question of consent however is particularly important in cases where treatment must be administered due to life threatening circumstances but the patient refuses treatment due to a mental illness, impaired cognition or, intellectual disability, meaning, the patient cannot give an informed consent. However, it is a patient's legal right to refuse treatment if he/she is of sound mind and no-one can force him/her against their will, regardless if it is not in their best interest. And so it is with Covid vaccination. It cannot be enforced by law, except you change the law and, open up a can of worms by doing so..
Now! What do governments do with reluctant people to get the Covid jab? Mind you, they are actually healthy people and don' need treatment. The majority will also never need treatment even if they contract the virus. But the governments are desperate to find a way out of the mess they have created and vaccination gives them the ticket to it. At least, that is what they believe. Since they cannot force you literally to get vaccinated, they now create a division between pro and anti vaccine people and dangle rewards as incentives in front of everyone, allowing a somewhat "normal life" for the ones who agree with their goals of vaccination, while the others are made to outcasts and anxious in view of a hopelessly restricted life, where they cannot travel, go out to entertain and socialize. The Non-conformists will have to live with the stigma of being antisocial, a threat to society if not criminals, who are best locked up, though they actually are no threat to anyone who is vaccinated, since they have protection, or is it not? But of course, nothing what these governments decide makes sense. And of course, they don't care, if innocent people may after all not even be able to do their shopping altogether, because nobody will serve them. Thus, no need to change the law, because the mob will do the dirty work for these rotten governments anyway. However, what they do is beyond coercion. The strategy of isolation is comparative with soul destroying solitary incarceration. It is a form of torture in fact, just less bloody and so much more sophisticated and elegant. Indeed! It is disgusting what humans do to each other.
Now you get a vaccination badge to show to which group you belong to. Well, nothing really is new under the sun! Thank goodness for nature! She does not care for badges and she will take care of what is rotten in this world. Of course, everyone will bear the brunt, but the non-conformists already suffer, so it makes no difference to them. But justice will be served and that is good to know.
Letzte Änderung: 2 Jahre 10 Monate her von femina.
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