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THEMA: Only bad news?

Only bad news? 3 Jahre 1 Monat her #493

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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Looks like good news no longer exist. It does not matter where you look, there are just no good news. The sun no longer just shines, it burns. The rain no longer brings gentle relieve but raging downpours. Humans are pushed into submission by governments that abuse their power under the pretense of good will and care for lives, while animals are dying in unimaginable pain, forests are disappearing and the rich get richer and, the old and the poor are left to die. Hell on Earth is already unfolding and the few who watch in dismay or dare to protest are called idiots and lefties, or tree huggers and full time activist who just want to stir unrest and interfere with development, which benefits but a few..
Lord Shiva, please come and dance! I can see you approaching, I can feel your energy, I am in awe with your power as you take your steps. Viruses, climate change, a rotten species that does not care for love, peace or happiness though chasing just that? Nothing to worry I can hear you say. Death is nothing to fear. Somewhere in this vast universe life will flourish with a better chance of reaching the full potential that humans have not cherished enough. Travelling to Moon and Mars and may be a bit further means little considering what they sacrifice for their greed and morbid souls. So please Lord Shiva come and dance. I have a hard time waiting. However, I am grateful because this is one good news I know is on the way. One needs something positive to look forward to, at least once in a while, isn't it?. . .
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