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THEMA: Too tired!

Too tired! 3 Jahre 5 Monate her #470

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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  • Karma: -1
Literally too tired! But it makes it very clear, not only do my muscles scream, because they got a good work-out lately, it is also my spirit that feels too tired. Tired from all the nonsense, stupidity, ignorance that is like an ocean engulfing me. Don't want to paddle against waves any longer, don't want to walk against the fierce wind blowing. I am too tired and really need to care for myself more than engage in hopeless battles. My muscles should have the time to recover and my mind should remember to let the clouds drift, instead of pushing the body to exhaustion and the mind into useless turmoil. They deserve better than that. Keeping fit, great! Keeping creative, great! But not at all cost and not for things that cannot be changed. I am keen to let go, pace myself and empty the brain from clutter. So what, if the world around me falls apart. I am my own island. I am the master of the universe, at least my universe and as a matter of fact, I am the beginning and the end of my world, a world of love and peace and happiness. It is quite simple: If you are tired and need to rest, that's when you can remember, what is and is not important.

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