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THEMA: Young people more depressed than ever?

Young people more depressed than ever? 3 Jahre 6 Monate her #468

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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A recent survey of young people regarding their aspirations and overall mental health showed they were worried about their future and what they will have to face. They felt more depressed than ever and are more anxious than any generation before them. They were more inclined to use alcohol and drugs to cope with their feelings of hopelessness. They actually pinpointed the reasons for their poor state of mind as being concerned of the planet in demise and the current establishment in power not caring but contributing to this without them being heard and being helpless and without hope to bring about change that could prevent them from suffering due to the adult's mistakes. They cannot vote for better governments, they cannot influence the ignorant adults nor even get the opportunity to stop the ongoing mismanagement, having no control in any aspects of adult decision making. Indeed! These young people are at the mercy of a generation of greedy misfits and exploiters that could not give a dam about anything else but themselves and their short-lived interests. Even any reasonable adult, obviously a minority among the destructive human species, cannot prevent to get depressed and hopeless. Not so much for themselves, because they will not see the worst of what is to come, but for the young, who will have to live with the damages done. It is enough to understand what is at stake and to get sad about it, watching the mounting problems and, despite protesting or trying as hard as possible, to bring about change, without any success, it can only make you feel more miserable. It is painful to admit defeat and it is no consolation that nothing is permanent and all has to die, because that is what life is all about. The point is that life can be beautiful and is sustainable, until, determined by nature, the inevitable happens. But it does not have to be willfully destroyed, be a torment, nor a constant battleground. So how can anyone not get depressed by all that is happening right now despite our better knowing, and the option to change course. As for the young people I truly wish I can make a difference but I see nothing that can give them at least some reassurance for a prosperous future. Still, I try and continue to try to make a difference, for them and, for my own peace of mind, that at least I tried the best I can. .
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