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THEMA: Once I loved puppetry, but now......

Once I loved puppetry, but now...... 3 Jahre 7 Monate her #466

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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....I have outgrown it. The puppets in the stories played nowadays, never get what they deserve and they never seem to even understand that they are actually puppets, who dance on strings in the tune of the string masters. The stories for the kids are always simple and they always to their delight know, the baddies get finally knocked over. The stories for the adults end differently and there is nothing enjoyable about it at any stage. I ask, who are the string masters, to whom do they play their stories and what puppets do they use? It is actually not difficult to discern them and the string masters, but the audience, other than the kiddies, don't care that evil wins, they cheer anyway. They do not question what bad stories they get served, because, I realize, they are puppets too and thus anything goes to the delight of the string masters.
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