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THEMA: Sick of......

Sick of...... 3 Jahre 7 Monate her #462

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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.....not with the corona virus, but hearing of it. Fortunately, also the media seems to have no longer the same enthusiasm, probably because it is now obvious that the virus is not the deadly reaper as they reported it to be. However, they still oblige the various governmental bodies by bending facts or at least omitting them to protect these ignorant politicians from public anger and voter loss as the reporting of the truth would definitely bring about. I personally I am totally over it. I was right from the onset in every aspect of this event. Though to my disgust, the public willingly puts their head into the sand, even now, for who knows what reason? Anyway, I am really glad to not belong to the young generation, who is indeed very aware of what is waiting for them in the future. They fight as good as they can for their rights to live and prosper, though they have more than enough reason to worry, for their future is truly not bright at all. I am also sick, to repeat myself in pointing out what is and will be, having repeatedly expressed my concerns, banged my head against walls and endured me getting frustrated over all this madness and power grabbing and greedy humans. Of course, my sadness cannot disappear, being forced to watch on, but sure am I glad not to be one of the young generation. Someone said to me it is important to have children and that they maybe the salvation for the human kind. Sorry, I disagree. No longer can they be the hope for survival, for life as we know it to succeed. Children will be the victims and every adult who wants to put them into this world should think about what their future holds before going ahead to create life that is doomed to suffer and fail. This is anything but love for children, not yours, not anyone's. If you want to give your children the best for their future, then don't have them. That is your sacrifice that you owe them. Life will still go on, without the human kind, which is of such destructive nature that it does not even stop from destroying itself and everything else with it. .
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