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THEMA: And the farce continues......

And the farce continues...... 3 Jahre 10 Monate her #444

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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People locked into their homes because people could die from the terrible deadly corona virus? Police, (and may be even the military), standing guard to assist lockdowns of so called hotspots since, surprise, surprise, the flare up of the so called "successfully subdued pandemic"? Interstate borders closing again and more pain for civilians? Indeed! It is not science fiction, not a theatre performance, no joke either but reality. It leaves me astonished how stupidity can rule and it is frightening to see where it will lead to. But, being realistic, what does it matter if we die of the corona virus or the war the world's maniacs are preparing for? We die, that is the nature of life and the causes of death really don't make a difference as the outcome is the same. Human intelligence? Give me a break! Anything else but! Though intelligence hastens the process. And dying in peace may just be the only wish worthwhile to hope for.
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