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THEMA: There was no gamble

There was no gamble 4 Jahre 2 Tage her #433

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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A newspaper just recently asked if Sweden was right to take a gamble for not joining the rest or the world with lockdowns to contain the pandemic. Sorry, you morons, Sweden took their own experts to look if a lockdown was reasonable. It was no gambling, just proper brains being used and proper politicians not asserting power that is plain abuse of it. Of course, they had their losses too, but Belgian and Netherland with lockdown fared worse than the Swedes, but naturally, Denmark and Norway were taken for comparisment with the Swedes, because they had lower death rates. So much for objective journalism. So much for what this pandemic stands for. It is not to care for country and people, it is for the reorganisation of power, taken away from people to establish autocratic rules. So sad to watch freedom go down the drain and folks cheering to it. Anyone watched the German movie "The Wave?" Well, it is a nice lesson on what you need to do, to manipulate normal folks. And that is exactly what is happening right now, paving the way for another men made disaster. What does it matter after all? Nothing really, because man is heading for disaster on all fronts. The new power grabbing and likely success may just shorten the pain of protracted dying , - if you get the drift.
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