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THEMA: Gum in the hair,

Gum in the hair, 4 Jahre 3 Monate her #378

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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or should I say, scum in parlament? Both can only be taken care of by removing that part of concern as fast as possible, to avoid further losses. Australia once had prime ministers coming in and out of power like hot bread rolls in a bakery. Now it got a stickler who does not even get it that only the most insensitive and brothers in crime are his circle of support. But how much does it take to get rid of these scavengers of the public trust? How much more can the public take before the strain of hair is cut off, that causes concern for the head? I only scratch my head, without gum, mind you, wondering, if there is any way, I could escape this madness. Sadly, there isn't. There is no longer a place where the world is in tact. So! Planet Earth it is, there is no escape. And as much as I try to avoid listening or looking at the face of Scott, the Moron and his consorts, he is pushing himself into the public eye as hard as he can, flooding the media with his hollow speeches and empty rhetoric, smug and arrogant above common sense, as if the country was not suffering enough from the consequences of wrong economic practices for years. Now he wants to patch up with little wound dressings wounds that can never heal that way. Apart from what is necessary at present to smooth out the damage of the current disaster, he wants to pour more tax payers money into a barrel with no bottom to no real effect for prevention of future disasters as good and as necessary as the situation demands it. More backburning? Obviously he never even listened to experts in this regards. Honestly, Scott, the Moron, is too kind a name for him. May be the public can find a better one. But no, better is they let him know, his time, including that of his stalwarts, is up. They should go on a holiday for good, on their own money, mind you, having cost the public too much already. And that is not even counting the personal tragedies and what nature has to suffer right now.
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