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THEMA: As I said, truth always comes to light.

As I said, truth always comes to light. 4 Jahre 6 Monate her #345

  • femina
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No matter how deep it is buried or how long it takes, truth always will find a way to reveal itself. Of course, you wonder, what truth I refer to but there is no difference in truth. Truth is just truth. It does not matter if it is about a person, a government, religion or scientific endeavour, - the character flaws of a person, the manipulation of governments and politicians, doctrines and even 'facts' in science, when there is something not truthful, it will emerge. People think, they can betray others and may even shut their eyes to themselves, it will not suffice. They will be found out and they cannot run away as much as they may try, the truth will pop up for sure and it may be at times when it is unexpected, taking them by surprise. Of course, only because truth comes to light, does not necessarily mean the wrong will be put right, not straight away that is. So does it even matter then that truth prevails, when there is no penalty, no punishment, no compensation for the pain caused by it being hidden and, cheaters and manipulators get away unscathed? Well, I say, as much as I would like to see some retribution, it is indeed of no relevance. The truth matters for our own good. Never mind if others don't see it that way and happily carry on with their lives deluding themselves, hiding their misery behind jovial attitudes, money and power and what not. The truth will never let them get away with anything. It is a far bigger pain to be constantly living in fear of being found out than being hurt once by a cheat. Sadness, pain, in fact, any emotion will pass as time goes by, but fear to have to face the truth after all will not. Fear is a constant companion. Indeed, that is punishment of the worst kind. Thank you very much, there is justice, though it does not come from the law or the legal system. That has been distorted, serving the perpetrator rather than the innocent.
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