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THEMA: Can't help it, but.....

Can't help it, but..... 4 Jahre 7 Monate her #339

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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….stupidity makes me cringe. There are the ones who cry for regulations only because a shop offering a specially desirable item for sale, which then sells out 3 minutes after the stores open because customers don't just get one item, they grab whatever they can to sell it later on e-bay for a profit, and the ones who miss out are of course livid, as if the world has come to an end. They want therefore that the shop restricts the sale to one item or so for one customer etc. Why for heaven's sake? The shop is not responsible for bad or even criminal customer behaviour. They only put out the bacon to catch the mice! And regulations or laws do not change attitudes, they are only diminishing everyone's freedom of choice. But, you say, without law would be anarchy, as the above occurrence shows so evidently. Well, some laws may have a place in society, but for every greedy action and attitude, every transgression and foul behaviour to insist on governance? There are already enough laws and regulations for everything, which cannot be executed, usually due to lack of resources. And is ist really desirable to be living in a 'nanny state', where officialdom tells you what to do? No thank you! This is the stupidity I am talking about: Enforce change, where it is needed, not crying for the authority to regulate, for this is only a stepping stone to far worse than just regulations. It just leads to a state telling you how to live your life. Hallo dictatorship, good bye freedom!
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