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THEMA: Big Bang not the answer to the universe?

Big Bang not the answer to the universe? 4 Jahre 8 Monate her #337

  • femina
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Now that should be no surprise! It depends however on what you consider the universe to be. If you consider the universe we live in, then of course the Big Bang (BB) is still the appropriate answer and science does not have to get into a spin of wild argumentation. But if anyone considered the universe to be the answer to the mystery of why it even exists, then of course, BB never was the ultimate answer and, anyone believing that, would definitely live in the error that science was a bible or any other holy book. (Not that you find the answer there either, - too much diluted wisdom and misconceptions and misuse!). Anyway, we talk about science, which is a means to widen the mental horizon, an evolutionary tool, but it is not the answer to everything nor the ultimate truth. Science is not even absolute, though some, even some scientist believe it to be. It is not, never was. But it is absolutely valuable never the less and should never be disregarded or dismissed. To understand the ins and outs of our existence is a progress after all, not only for our personal development but for the evolution in the greater sense, including the universe and beyond. Ever thought about that our universe undergoes an evolution as well? As our intelligence has expanded over the years of our life as a species, so does mind and soul, which is part of the universe, just on a bigger scale and another level. Men is crawling on earth, on the plain, though there is a lot of space out there, he has just only begun to grasp, and I am not only talking about space exploration. I am talking about thought concepts in spatial arrangement within our own brain. However, humans may not be able to experience what that actually means, because man is on the course of extinction. Lucky are the ones who have gained not just knowledge but were able to encompass it and turn it into wisdom (spatial concept) and thank goodness, science had a lot to contribute. And still does, thank you! So by all means, hypothesize beyond the BB and lets go on this extraordinary journey, as long as we can.
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