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THEMA: "I told you so!"

"I told you so!" 4 Jahre 9 Monate her #331

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Ever used this phrase? Most likely, but being right does not mean it makes you happy. In fact, when you utter these words the bad you were worried about has indeed happened and how would that make you ever happy or satisfied? At present I only refer to the nay- sayers concerning climate change. It is pretty hard to still deny that it is happening despite some stalwarts desperately hanging on to their self deception for what ever reason. Unfortunately this is not the end of the sad story. So many facts of what human kind does to life on our planet remains unaddressed. The warnings still are not listened to despite the sirens are shrill in everyone's ear. To no reaction from the greedy and needy of course, who lap up the limp excuses and distortion of truth given to them. Politicians elected by you suddenly turn into power brokers, feeling entitled to control you instead of acting on your behalf and according to your wishes. Did you give them permission to do so? No, you did not! Or did you? I hope not. You did not want them to decide what you should do or how you should live your life, nor to tell you what is good for you and what not. That is your decision to make. However, if you let them control your life as they seem to assume you gave them permission to, then to feel betrayed by them should not come as a surprise. Did I tell you that you are the one in control? Or at least you should be? Or is it once again a matter of "I told you so"? You are responsible for everything that is your life and all life of this planet. Everything else is a miserable excuse.
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