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THEMA: Globalisation and Cancer

Globalisation and Cancer 5 Jahre 1 Monat her #311

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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Did you ever consider the similarities? Well they are outstanding. Both are not the best thing to happen, neither to you as an individual nor the society and not for our planet at large. Both begin very insidious and usually no one is aware of the evil growing within. But the symptoms appear, still not strong enough to make you fear the worst and you may not pay attention. And then all of a sudden it becomes so obvious that there is no chance to overlook it any longer. Unfortunately then it is usually too late and only radical treatment may be successful to prolong your life. Not only will you suffer the treatment which is unpleasant nicely put, you will not know if treatment actually will eradicate it. This is the stage of cancer, when diagnosed as advanced and disseminated. So, whatever you have to do at that point, your life will never be same and may be still shortened despite a successful treatment, because there are no guaranties that evil does not return. Globalisation behaves exactly like cancer and is the final stage, disseminated worldwide, requiring an absolute radical solution to prevent the death of the world, having spread to every corner of it. Pity though, while an individual may be inclined to seek and undergo treatment, the world with the masses of people inhabiting it, will and obviously does not come to a consensus how to prevent the destruction that is going on. So the global cancer will succeed, being too difficult to eradicate, treatment is too complicated and uncertain the outcome and no unified action is in fact achievable. Sadly, cancer has won over you and globalisation has won over the planet. Bad news indeed!
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