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THEMA: Job or vocation?

Job or vocation? 5 Jahre 4 Monate her #296

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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While in hospital for my intervention, I had plenty of time to reflect on what makes the choice how you want to earn money for your living successful. Well, it is always preferable that you feel a calling to the work you want to do, other than being motivated purely by convenience, income or plainly just not knowing what to do, but it is of particular importance when you choose to get into health care as you will be dealing with vulnerable people, depending on you, your skills, your empathy and your commitment. Sadly the majority do a job, not something they are happy to do, or are particularly proud of, reflected in how they fulfil their duties, with some doing better than others, some not good enough at all. There is no emphasis in training either, to do more than just their job, and certainly no help from policy makers or politician for that matter. In fact they put more pressure on staff by cost cutting, burning them out rather than supporting them. Now, of course, you can do good work without a vocational calling, but it will not be to your overall satisfaction nor to the benefit of the patient and sure not bring the savings in healthcare, that services aim for. It is well known that recovery of patients depend on quality care, which includes that is staff is listening, taking serious what they say, instead of glossing over as a response with superficial promises or even belittling and patronizing them. Well, if you are in a job, care giving ends for you by doing your duties, if you are in for the right reasons, it will be no drama for you to do just a bit more. It does not cost you extra time to listen, and your caring nature will shine through you naturally. It is to your and everyone else's benefit, even the executives in their high towers as the outcomes will be better than they are under the uncaring health system. It does not mean all have to be vocational health care providers, any skill can be learned, but it requires specific training and better planning than it is done at the present. It looks as if you should be a healthy patient, because if you are sick that is just too much work and too costly. My apology to any good health care worker, but sadly, there are not enough of them around.
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