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THEMA: Should I care......

Should I care...... 5 Jahre 5 Monate her #283

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Unfortunately, this is not really a question for me, because I cannot help it, I do. Though every time I am confronted with the reality of how the cruel, evil, intelligent but still ignorant humans treat life, I fell hopeless that this face of the coin could ever turn around to the other side of the coin, that is care, compassion and sensible progress of mankind that gives all life a chance to succeed into a prosperous future. I then have to call myself to order and remember that even as a drop into the ocean that I am, my voice counts, because I am not alone. All the drops that make up the ocean are my soulmates, they are the likeminded, we are the ocean and every single drop counts, because without them, including me, there would be no ocean. May be the criminals succeed to dry up the oceans of this world, but I cannot stop caring that there may be a way to turn things around and put evil back into the place where it belongs (to one side of the coin, not both of it).
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