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THEMA: Stupid bourgeois democrat

Stupid bourgeois democrat 5 Jahre 5 Monate her #282

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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Democracy is desirable: The public elects the government and the government does what is best and in the interest of the public as it is supposed to do. But how come that nobody believes that the politicians do their job as expected? The answer is simple, but not because the politician is the stupid bourgeois but the stupid bourgeois elects the stupid bourgeois from its own stock. Where is the citizen, the true democrat? They are the minority, because they do not hesitate to take responsibility or pride in the work they do or care for the wellbeing of their society, environment, including animals and resources so the children have a future. Only the stupid bourgeois hands over decision-making to others, because it is so much easier to whinge about the politician than to take responsibility. He is too lazy, too unwilling, he is rather a servant and a victim than interested and actively vested in protecting democracy against the stupid bourgeois. Democracy is only as good as the public itself.
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