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THEMA: Being enthusiastic and having fun

Being enthusiastic and having fun 5 Jahre 6 Monate her #272

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 349
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If anyone thinks only humans experience that, then the dog I watched on the beach today can teach the disbeliever otherwise. Here he was, a 'bitsa' of a dog, midsize with brindle short hair, all by himself, jumping the waves whipped up by the wind and swimming out into the choppy waters as if he wished to cross the ocean. I nearly got concerned thinking, where is he going, but he came back in good time and then off he went again, obviously loving a bit of a challenge as he had to face some really unruly gushes of water coming up against him. I could not get enough of watching him. He made me laugh and also admire him. What a dog! His attitude totally contagious. His owner or family he belonged to nowhere to be seen, but most likely being behind the dunes on the grassy parkland having their own fun other than getting wet at that. Sure, it was a bit of a cloudy day, but who cares, when you love the water. I and the dog obviously had the same opinion, and shame on you, if you think, animals have no feelings and no intelligence!.
Letzte Änderung: 5 Jahre 6 Monate her von femina.
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