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THEMA: Train without breaks

Train without breaks 5 Jahre 7 Monate her #241

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
  • Dank erhalten: -1
  • Karma: -1
How would you feel if you were travelling on a train without breaks accelerating faster and faster towards a cliff without a bridge, realizing that you had enough warning signs of what was going to happen? You knew the reckless train operators who could not give a dam about anything but their profit and you knew the chances you were taking but you jumped on the train anyway. Would you call yourself an idiot, a suicider or thrill rider? Would you call the ones responsible (or better irresponsible), who sneer at obligation and laws, clever managers, successful entrepreneurs or role models, admirable for their business acumen? Your pick and, enjoy, because you are the first to meet the inevitable, while the others can sip their champagne before they meet theirs, as inevitable. Justice after all? Yes, but too bad, it does not help you.
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