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THEMA: Letting go of what you want

Letting go of what you want 5 Jahre 7 Monate her #237

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
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Never is it easy but going through a serious process of letting go right now, I realize the liberation that comes with it. It is what counts, though bitter sweet at present, I know, also this will subside. I feel but the benefits of personal empowerment, meaning, the shackles imposed on me are gone. So glad to be able to say: "Thanks, but no thanks! My life belongs to me, not to you." Who, or whatever put the shackles on me, has no longer power over me. It may not make a difference to the world at large, but it does to me: Feeling free is the best reward for any struggle and yes, looking in my mirror, I like what I see.
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