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THEMA: Human rights, animal rights

Human rights, animal rights 5 Jahre 7 Monate her #235

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 349
  • Dank erhalten: -1
  • Karma: -1
It is shocking how both of them are transgressed. Who by the way gave rights to humans? NOBODY! Humans feel entitled but in fact they have no more or less rights than any other creature, plant or thing. Rights are not attached to life. There is no right to existence and, no-one is given the right to rule over the other. To the contrary! All is interrelated and dependant from each other. So ask yourself: Does human intelligence give you a right to destroy everything? Give me a break! Intelligence drives humans to extinction with the fiction of having human rights while no other creatures have any. Not to mention environment! That has no life at all? just give me a break from these entitled beings! .
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