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TOPIC: Priorities, priorities

Priorities, priorities 1 day 4 hours ago #603

  • femina
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It is such a drag to have to put your real interests aside and take care of business that does not really have your heart in it but unfortunately cannot be avoided. Sometimes I wonder if the uniververse just enjoys to tease me, just to see how patient I am. And no, I am not patient, no matter how much I try. Things tuck on my nerves and often enough I just say "that's it! I will not deal with it now". Maybe it goes away as it unfortunately does at times too. Like a gambling addictiion, where you can win sometimes, or at least you hope you do. It keeps you gambling, or as in my priority issue keeps me procrastinating.
I sure know, I am not alone with this dilemma. If anyone has a solution to do better, please tell. A for me, it has to become such a pressure that keeps me in its grip that finally I do attend to it, because I know, there is no longer a chance that it will work itself out and waiting only makes me pay more than just the frustration I have by not attending to it in the first place.
So! I guess I have reached that point now and get going. But how fruitless procrastination is you can see how little I attended to what I enjoy, like blogging on my site, or writing/publishing and engaging with creative things. Conclusion: Delaying unpleasant things to sort out does not pay and don't we know it. Maybe next time I manage to finally act differently. Hm, I better leave it at that.
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