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THEMA: Speechless

Speechless 7 Monate 3 Wochen her #597

  • femina
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  • Beiträge: 356
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Some of my readers may asked why there is not much published on blog and website. The answer lies indeed in the title. There is really nothing left to add. Everything what I wanted to say in context of the events over the last few years I said and all said now is just repetition and more repetition. So far no significant changes have been made to prevent the fall of the human species from the tree of life, taking many of the other with it.. There is the talk about spirtual war, which is sure true too, but let us first focus on this dangerous situation humans face right now, and which is clearly not even considered despite being the most obvious,staring right into the eyes of mankind. The moral judgement of course should not be dismissed, after all it is the root of conflict for men, but for now we have to survive first, because that is at stake, that needs to be addressed immideately, that is the danger to us and life on this beautiful blue planet Earth as we know it.. Evil is, of course, a threat and will lead to extinction, if nothing is done, but to babble on who did what and why, does not safe the world, you have to get rid of the culprits asap.
Okay, I am speechless and do no longer care as much as I did for the simple reason that I realize, the majority of people do not care themselves. If they and their children will live as slaves until their final demise, so be it. After all, that is their choice, like it or not. But it leaves me sure speechless that people refuse to accept facts and continue on the path of destruction. However! It confirms that you can advise, but never convince, or make others see your point of view if they are not open to it. It is a given, you cannot change the other, only yourself and then, maybe, the other will change. It also means, you have to let go and stop caring as you watch them marching along their chosen path. Naturally, I cannot avoid to feel compassion for the innocent suffering and loss of lifes, My heart bleeds with them, but for the rest no tears I shed.
I despise the attitude of people who seek power for the sake of ultimate control sacrificing everything for it, I will never tolerate them sacrificing life for the wrong reasons, but that is it, no more need to be said. Saying NO to evil as soon as it raises its head is a must, but it is a personal decision. It boils down to every individual, expert or not, to take responsibility for their own life and care for others in need. If a species, calling itself the "crown of creation", cannot do that it is set on the path of destruction, which will not exclude them either.
There is no way that evil can be conquered. It is part of existence. Materialistically speaking, it is the bipolar world we live in, based on the elemental electromagnetic force that creates what is. But we need to keep it in balance, in the right PH range, so to speak., Like the gardener, who knows, not much prospers or even grows in too acidic or too alkaline soil.
I listen to all the "clever" people whom hardly anyone can understand due to their "sophisticated"sermons. And I am surprised how they can talk around something totally obvious but still miss the point.
I am speechless for so many reasons, but I will, as I have done in the dark times of C, say NO to destruction and act accordingly. I know, I cannot avoid this noise of talk and talk while we all stand at the abyss, or rotate in the event horizon until the black hole gets the better of me. I find but solace in the fact that Life will not end, only the life as we know it, may.
Letzte Änderung: 7 Monate 1 Woche her von femina.
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