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TOPIC: Time is flying

Time is flying 10 months 2 weeks ago #593

  • femina
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It is sometimes difficult to accept that time is relative, but as I can say confidently, I know it is. I feel it, acknowledge it, and even if I do not mean it according to Einstein's relativity theory, I look at the date of my last entry and have to admit, indeed, time is relative, that's what I feel and think about the 4 months gone. We are already well past the quarter mark of the year, summer is over, winter is knocking on the door and the days are getting shorter and shorter. I wonder, if the natural flow of slowing down has an impact on my functioning too and actually it has. It is so much more enticing to sleep longer, leave duties for the next day, cuddle up in the blankett early evening and, go out when the sun shines bright because it is not a given that a sunny day will follow as quickly and surely as it does in summer time. There is also not much compelling new to say in a blog, the news are neither new, nor inviting to dwell on them. The truth has come nicely out of its grave, because as we know, truth does not die, no matter how deep one tries to bury it. Does it have any consequences? Not for the grave diggers as yet. They try so hard to cover up their dirty deeds with ever more stubborness, ridiculous lies and, pure denial. They try to justify what cannot ever be excused. They run for cover to their protectors and do as if they did obey only to "safe lifes and public interests, while eating their steaks despite many people starving. And is there an end to the sad story? No! After all, this is just the beginning of the real nightmare. I look at pictures that show a wonderful blue planet with life so beautiful that it leaves me breathless, then I look at the pictures of man made horrors. Honestly, every animal life is more precious than any of the power driven globalists could propagate including AI. Fake they call anything that it not their ideology, but looking at them and their envisaged perfect world, I truly see only deception and fake in all and everything they say, do and are. Thanks, but no thanks, I prefer nature and life in beauty and harmony, not war torn cities and torn bodies. I love life in color not grey smoke of devastation. I hear the rich build bunkers to survive what? However, they can have it all, because life with them is the hell best avoided. No bunker, comfortable or not, is on my wish list. But these creatures demonstrate to where they belong to, underground, hiding from light and, crawling over each other in search of happiness, which they never could buy since it is not for sale. Does spring come again? Who knows. We do not even know if tomorrow comes. So let us love today all that is good and we shall see, if there is a new day.
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